Text-A-Tip by LEAD

LEAD (Linking Efforts Against Drugs) is a drug prevention coalition based in Lake Forest/Lake Bluff, Illinois that has developed an app to help youth stay drug free. Participants struggling with anxiety, depression, or substance abuse can send anonymous texts 24/7 and be responded to by licensed professionals in their own community. Text-A-Tip is currently the the only hotline available in the US that offers full anonymity.

How effective is Text-A-Tip?

  • 20,000 texts were received in the first two years of the app’s debut

For more information, visit textatipline.com

How to Get Started

Text-A-Tip Contacts:

Please let us know if you have any questions about bringing Text-A-Tip to your community.

How effective is Text-A-Tip?

  • 20,000 texts were received in the first two years of the app’s debut

For more information, visit textatipline.com

How to Get Started

Text-A-Tip Contacts:

Please let us know if you have any questions about bringing Text-A-Tip to your community.