
The Drug Abuse Response Team (D.A.R.T.) program aims to make a difference in the opioid epidemic in Western Ohio by aiding in the treatment, education, and support of those suffering from substance abuse, as well as their family and friends. D.A.R.T., which is made up of an administrator from the Lucas County Sheriff’s Office, Deputy Sheriffs, Forensic Counselors, as well as officers from other local jurisdictions perform procedures such as communicating with overdose victims and their families, transporting victims for assessment and recovery, and support over the time frame of their recovery.

How effective is D.A.R.T.?

  • D.A.R.T. officers have a caseload of more than 1,900 clients

View information about D.A.R.T. here.

How to Get Started

D.A.R.T. Contacts:

Please let us know if you have any questions about bringing programs like D.A.R.T. to your community.

How effective are Quick Response Teams?

  • Since its induction, the Colerain Quick Response Team has had an 80% success rate in getting those suffering from opioid abuse into treatment.
  • In 2015, there was a 30% reduction in opioid-related overdoses

Information from admboard.org.

How to Get Started

Colerain Team Contacts:

To schedule your QRT planning session contact Jerry Craig at the Summit County ADM Board (330) 564-4080 or outside of Summit County, Greg McNeil at Cover2 Resources (330) 351-1328. Please let us know if you have any questions about bringing Quick Response Teams to your community.