Ep. 172 – Part 5: A Cover2 Resources Podcast on the Showtime Docu-Series: “The TRADE” a front row seat to the opioid epidemic

2020-01-27T10:28:44-05:00March 27th, 2018|Podcasts|

Welcome to the 5th and final episode in our five-part podcast series on the Showtime program “The TRADE,” a docu-series providing a front row seat to the opioid epidemic through the eyes of those most affected. We invite you to Binge, Listen and Share this series to make a difference in [...]

Ep. 168 – CMA Award winning Artist Shane Runion Concert Tour: DFCA Chapters in 38 School Districts

2019-01-11T10:22:44-05:00March 5th, 2018|Podcasts|

Greg interviews emerging CMA award winning artist, Shane Runion. Shane talks about growing up in Portsmouth, Ohio and the journey from 8th grade history teacher to a Country Music Award winning artist in little more than two years. Shane helped his struggling community go after a multi-million dollar grant by recording a [...]