Greg interviews Garrett Hart, the Creative Content Director for Summit Radio Station and the Host of Rock and Recovery. Behind the music, Rock and Recovery enables the community to heal together through the therapeutic power of music. With messages of hope and inspiration, the specially chosen music provides encouragement for each individual journey. Garrett describes it as, “A mix of positive upbeat songs along with short messages meant to inspire people who are in a recovery program or dealing with any trauma in their lives…to hit that restart button in the brain, to think more positively, to think what in your life is of value and what you enjoy.”

When it comes to serving an underserved community, Rock and Recovery takes a self-confidence building approach. Garrett explains how the addiction community is treated as outsiders and how the station caters to that community. “They’re completely ignored. These addicts who’ve faced immense trauma are often left to their own devices that produce terrible consequences. [Rock and Recovery] reaches that community with music and messages to keep them focused on something good about themselves, to help with their day to day recovery,” says Garrett.

Garrett explains how he wants the show to be realistic. He wants to let the listeners know they’re going to face hardships, but in the end the struggle will produce courage. He wants the decision of recovery to come from them, to be something they’re striving towards on their own. “They can build their own resiliency and find the values in their life that really matter to them,” says Garrett.