Ep. 263 – Deconstructing the Addicted Mind: Dr. Nicole Labor

2019-12-04T12:13:27-05:00November 26th, 2019|Education, Podcasts, Recovery, Recovery Stories, Stories|

It’s difficult for a non-addicted person to rationalize the addicted mind, and the societal stigmatism around addiction doesn’t make that any easier. How can they keep making these decisions if they know they’re wrong, and why won’t they make choices that lead to recovery? The truth is, an addict isn’t in complete [...]

Ep. 261 – The True Cost of The Opioid Epidemic

2019-12-04T14:49:17-05:00November 18th, 2019|Education, Podcasts|

In August, a closely watched Oklahoma opioid trial concluded. Johnson & Johnson was found guilty of deceptive marketing practices and causing a public nuisance, and the judge subsequently awarded the state $572 Million to cover the first year of abatement. However, the judge later announced he had made a $107 million miscalculation. [...]

Ep. 260 – ResultsOhio: Funding Programs That Get Results

2019-12-04T12:05:05-05:00November 4th, 2019|Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

You wouldn’t pay for something without knowing what you were getting, but all too often, our tax dollars are spent on programs without accountability for results. With the new ResultsOhio initiative, led by state Treasurer Robert Sprague, Ohio is looking for data-backed solutions to guide its funding decisions for social and public [...]