Ep. 281 – A Safer Supply Saves Lives

2020-07-02T15:22:09-04:00May 28th, 2020|Education, Harm Reduction, Legislation, Podcasts, Prevention, Recovery, Treatment/Programs|

A Safer Supply Saves Lives Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is considered the gold standard for treating opioid use disorder. But it doesn’t work for everyone, and for those unresponsive to MAT, the next use of illicit street drugs could be their last.  This month, Staff Sergeant Conor King introduced us to SaferSupply, [...]

Ep. 279 – Home Test Kits: DFCA’s Innovative Response to a Pandemic

2020-07-02T15:28:17-04:00May 1st, 2020|Community Outreach, Education, Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

Home Test Kits: DFCA's Innovative Response to a Pandemic In today’s episode of the Cover2, PPT podcast, we continue revisiting some of the People, Places, and Things we’ve profiled in earlier episodes. We’re touching base to see how the Coronavirus has changed the way they’re making a difference in the opioid [...]