Ep. 283 – Obscure Treatment Could be The Final Fix for Addiction

2020-07-13T10:36:41-04:00July 10th, 2020|Education, Podcasts, Recovery, Recovery Stories, Treatment/Programs, Videos|

Obscure Treatment Could be The Final Fix for Addiction     For the last few months, I’ve been covering COVID-19’s impact on the opioid crisis. With overdoses up 42% in May alone, it’s projected 75,000 additional lives will be lost to alcohol and drug overdose because of the pandemic. One resource [...]

Ep. 282 – The Impact of COVID-19 on the Opioid Crisis

2020-07-02T17:06:07-04:00July 2nd, 2020|Education, Harm Reduction, Legislation, Podcasts, Prevention, Treatment/Programs, Webinars|

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Opioid Crisis Over the last 90 plus days, much has changed in our world. COVID19 has forced many of us to endure unfamiliar hardships and inconveniences. But our most vulnerable populations, such as those struggling with OUD, have been hit particularly hard by the coronavirus. [...]