Dr. Jeanette Moleski has 26 years of experience as a DO running a family practice in Hudson, Ohio. Over the last 10 years, Dr. Moleski has specialized in the field of addiction recovery.  She was a round table participant in the Facing Addiction Caucus at this year’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Genetic testing allows Dr. Moleski and her staff to look at the genetic makeup of each patient. This reveals how the patient metabolizes drugs. Dr. Moleski explains how slowly metabolizing drugs affects the body. “… [the drug] would stay in your system longer as an active ingredient than a normal person,” says Dr. Moleski.

Greg agreed to take a genetic test as an example. Dr. Moleski shares his results. “The only medication that had any genetic impact was fentanyl. You’re a very slow metabolizer of fentanyl…Putting you at a high risk for overdose,” says Dr. Moleski. Greg’s son Sam died of an overdose of fentanyl-laced heroin in 2015.

Dr. Moleski says the genetic testing can help dial in the exact dose needed for treatment. She gives an example of a woman who came in, with high prescription doses of oxycodone who wasn’t getting any pain relief. “We did the genetic testing and she was unable to metabolize oxycodone…So we switched her to just plain morphine at a much lower dose with fewer side effects. She’s doing remarkably well. [Genetic testing] was a game changer for this patient.”