Obscure Treatment Could be The Final Fix for Addiction



For the last few months, I’ve been covering COVID-19’s impact on the opioid crisis. With overdoses up 42% in May alone, it’s projected 75,000 additional lives will be lost to alcohol and drug overdose because of the pandemic.

One resource that could help prevent this is a methodology for addiction treatment that has existed for over 45 years but has been relentlessly shunned by the medical establishment.

This unique, non-pharmacological treatment is called Neuroelectric Therapy (NET) and I first learned about it last month, after receiving an email from 1A Productions. They had just released “The Final Fix”, a documentary following 5 victims of long-term OUD as they trial NET, in hopes of reclaiming their lives.

Joining me on this episode of the Cover 2 Podcast is: The CEO of Izaiah House, Mark LaPalme. One of the five participants in the NET treatment study, Robert Capley.  Treatment specialist and NET doubter turned believer, Matt LaRocco. And producer of The Final Fix, Norman Stone

Together, they take me on a deep-dive into Neuroelectric Therapy and the differences between NET and other treatment methods. We also explore why, even after 45 years, NET is still little known.

For answers to these questions and more, join us for this week’s episode of the Cover2 Resources PPT podcast.