Ep. 42 – Knowing When Addicts Are Ready for Suboxone: Minda Jaramillo, Director of Behavioral Health

2019-01-10T14:40:40-05:00October 27th, 2016|Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

The suboxone program of First Choice Community Healthcare (FCCH) of Albuquerque, New Mexico, has seen great success over the past few years. Minda Jaramillo, Director of Behavioral Health at FCCH, discusses the program and how it uniquely treats opioid addicts. In 2014, FCCH served 700 patients within its suboxone program. Unfortunately, Minda says [...]

Ep. 41 – Genetic Testing Reveals Overdose Threshold: Dr. Jeanette Moleski, Addiction Specialist

2019-01-10T14:36:50-05:00October 25th, 2016|Education, Podcasts|

Dr. Jeanette Moleski has 26 years of experience as a DO running a family practice in Hudson, Ohio. Over the last 10 years, Dr. Moleski has specialized in the field of addiction recovery.  She was a round table participant in the Facing Addiction Caucus at this year’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Genetic [...]

Ep. 40 – Creating a Safe Space with SPOT: Dr. Jessie Gaeta, Boston Health Care

2019-01-10T14:35:53-05:00October 20th, 2016|Harm Reduction, Podcasts|

In response to opioid overdoses in Boston, Dr. Jessie Gaeta devised a safe space for rehabilitation called SPOT. She is the Chief Medical Officer of the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program or BHCHP. SPOT (Supportive Place for Observation and Treatment) was made with the goal of preventing fatal overdoses in mind. [...]

Ep. 39 – How Overprescribing Can Lead to Addiction: Troy Gahm, Gahm’s Pharmacy

2019-01-10T14:34:29-05:00October 18th, 2016|Education, Podcasts|

Greg interviews Troy Gahm, the Owner and Operator of Gahm’s Pharmacy in Lucasville Ohio. As a licensed pharmacist, Troy was quoted in Dreamland, a novel about the opioid epidemic in America. After founding the pharmacy in 1996, Troy has encountered problems with the opioid epidemic. He talks about what he has witnessed in [...]

Ep. 38 – How Drug Court Encourages Recovery: Judge Thomas Teodosio, Summit County

2019-01-10T14:31:25-05:00October 13th, 2016|Legal/Legislation, Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

Judge Thomas Teodosio runs a compassionate drug court in the Summit County Court of Common Pleas called The Turning Point. He discusses how the special court was founded and the success the court has experienced. Judge Teodosio has been running Summit County’s drug court for the past 8 years. He says the court [...]

Ep. 37 – Equipping Summit County with Narcan: Jerry Craig, Executive Director ADM Board

2019-01-10T14:27:49-05:00October 11th, 2016|Community Outreach, Harm Reduction, Podcasts|

Jerry Craig, the Executive Director of the Summit County Alcohol, Drug, Addiction and Mental Services Board, is working to get Narcan widely distributed in Summit County. He discusses the Summit County Opiate Task Force. Formed in 2014, the task force consists of a group of key individuals and organizations committed to reducing the [...]

Ep. 36 – Benefits of Vivatrol MAT: Allyse Adams, Clinical Administrator

2019-01-10T14:26:48-05:00October 6th, 2016|Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

Greg interviews Allyse Adams, a Clinical Administrator and Certified Counselor at the Oriana House of Akron, Ohio. Allyse has five years of experience in counseling and specializes in the field of addiction recovery. The Oriana House is a nationally renowned community corrections and chemical dependency treatment facility, providing a multi-step program for rehabilitation. [...]

Ep. 35 – Community Housing Options for Recovering Female Addicts: Erin Helms, Woodrow Project

2019-01-10T12:42:31-05:00October 4th, 2016|Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

Greg interviews Erin Helms, the Executive Director of the Woodrow Project located in Parma, Ohio. The mission of the Woodrow Project is to provide a safe, stable and supportive environment for women in recovery. Gina and Andrea join Erin and Greg for the interview. Gina is a Recovery Support Specialist at The Woodrow [...]