
Ep. 101 – Bringing the Church into the Fray: Pastor Greg Delaney, Faith Collaborator

By |June 6th, 2017|Categories: Community Outreach, Family Stories, Podcasts, Recovery, Recovery Stories|Tags: |

Greg interviews Pastor Greg Delaney, the faith collaborator for Attorney General Mike DeWine’s Heroin/Outreach Unit. As the faith collaborator, Pastor Delaney travels with Attorney General DeWine and speaks to church communities and other [...]

Ep. 98 – Pre-Booking Law Enforcement Treatment Program Making a Difference In Montgomery County, MD

By |May 25th, 2017|Categories: Criminal Justice, Harm Reduction, Legal/Legislation, Podcasts, Prevention|Tags: |

Greg interviews Jac A. Charlier, the National Director for Justice Initiatives at TASC (Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities) in Chicago, Illinois. Jac was instrumental in the creation of STEER (Stop, Triage, Engage, Educate [...]

Ep. 94 – Preparing Inmates for Outpatient Treatment after Prison: John Wetzel, PA Corrections

By |May 11th, 2017|Categories: Criminal Justice, Harm Reduction, Podcasts, Recovery, Treatment/Programs|Tags: |

Greg interviews John Wetzel, Secretary of Corrections at the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. Secretary Wetzel helped found a pilot program that combats substance abuse among inmates through the administration of Vivitrol – a [...]