Ep. 57 – Digging up the Roots of America’s Opioid Epidemic: Sam Quinones, Dreamland

2019-01-10T15:22:17-05:00December 29th, 2016|Education, Podcasts|

Greg interviews Sam Quinones, author of the best-selling book Dreamland. A true tale of America’s opioid epidemic, Dreamland is a poignant and insightful narrative of the current threat sweeping the nation. Sam shares a story of a community pool he encountered in Portsmouth, Ohio to explain why the book is named Dreamland. “I [...]

Ep. 56 – Drug Free Advocacy through Music and Story: Awaken Project

2019-01-10T15:21:34-05:00December 27th, 2016|Community Outreach, Podcasts|

Greg interviews Jeff Mozingo and Joe Richardson, founders of Awaken Project. Awaken Project is an in-school presentation reinforcing a strong drug use prevention message with a live multimedia music event. Jeff and Joe met at a golf tournament. At the tournament, Jeff was asked to pray for Joe and his son—who sadly passed [...]

Ep. 55 – Alieving Pain Without Opioids: Dr. Mark Rosenberg, ALTO

2019-01-10T15:19:08-05:00December 22nd, 2016|Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

Greg interviews Dr. Mark Rosenberg, the Chairman of Emergency Medicine and the Medical Director for Population Health at St. Joseph’s Healthcare System in Patterson, New Jersey. Alternatives to Opioids Program (ALTO) was born in the emergency wing of St. Joseph’s Healthcare System. Started in 2014, ALTO uses things like harp music as a [...]

Ep. 54 – Stopping Substance Abuse via Random Drug Testing: Administrative Team, Lacey Schools

2019-01-10T15:17:04-05:00December 20th, 2016|Legal/Legislation, Podcasts|

Greg interviews an administrative panel from Lacey Township School District, including Superintendent Craig Wigley, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Vanessa Clark, and District Supervisor William Zylinski. The Lacey School District has recently addressed a hot topic by conducting random drug testing in their high school. While the school has always been aware of drug testing, [...]

Ep. 53 – Overcoming Tragedy and Giving Back: Greg McNeil, Cover2 Resources

2020-01-28T16:59:23-05:00December 15th, 2016|Podcasts|

Grace Roberts from 1073 the Wave interviews Greg McNeil Grace Roberts of 107.3 The WAVE interviews Greg McNeil, Founder of Cover2 Resources. Cover2 Resources is a nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing resources with those struggling with substance abuse disorder and their loved ones. Cover2 Resources was born from personal tragedy. Greg lost [...]

Ep. 53 – Overcoming Tragedy and Giving Back: Greg McNeil, Cover2 Resources

2019-01-10T15:14:25-05:00December 15th, 2016|Education, Podcasts, Stories|

Grace Roberts from 1073 the Wave interviews Greg McNeil It’s no secret that arrest, imprisonment, and conviction don’t break addiction. All over the US, civic officials are waking up to the brokenness of the system. Cops and robbers isn’t working. It isn’t saving our sons and daughters. If addiction is a physical brain [...]

Ep. 52 – What to Expect Going into Outpatient Recovery: Dr. Brian Welsh, Coleman Medical Health

2019-01-10T15:04:22-05:00December 13th, 2016|Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

Greg interviews Dr. Brian Welsh, the Chief Medical Officer at Coleman Professional Services in Kent, Ohio. Coleman is a nonprofit medical organization committed to fostering recovery, building independence and changing the destinies of individuals in the Kent community. Dr. Welsh describes his position as overseeing clinical protocols and procedures, as well as supervision [...]

Ep. 51 – Bringing the Treatment to the People: Ricardo Tull, Street Teams

2019-01-10T15:02:55-05:00December 8th, 2016|Harm Reduction, Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

Greg interviews Ricardo Tull, who works for Philadelphia’s Department of Behavioral Health and leads the CRAFT (Coordinated Response to Addiction Facilitating Treatment) Program. He explains CRAFT as an extension to the long Prevention Point program with four basic elements: assertive outreach and engagement, affectively screen and assess addicts, unconditional support, harm reduction and [...]

Ep. 50 – Partnering with PAARI to Save Lives: Sergeant Pat Greenhill, PAARI Part Two

2019-01-10T15:02:02-05:00December 1st, 2016|Community Outreach, Legal/Legislation, Podcasts|

Greg interviews Sergeant Pat Greenhill, the Sergeant of the Berea Police Department and PAARI (The Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative) Program Coordinator for Community Engagement. They are joined by PAARI State Representative Nicole Walmsley. You can listen to her first podcast episode here. As Sergeant Greenhill explains, PAARI is a national organization [...]