Ep. 83 – How A Bottle of Water Became the Tipping Point: Rob Brandt, Robby’s Voice

2019-01-10T16:29:02-05:00March 30th, 2017|Community Outreach, Family Stories, Harm Reduction, Podcasts, Stories|

Greg interviews Rob Brandt, the Founder of Robby’s Voice. Rob lost his son Robby to opioids in 2011. In the wake of Robby’s death, a notebook of his was found containing plans to help those suffering from substance abuse. Robby’s Voice was created to bring life to that vision. Rob discusses his son’s [...]

Ep. 82 – Overcoming a Difficult Upbringing and Giving Back: Jessica Nickel, Addiction Policy Forum

2019-01-10T16:28:30-05:00March 28th, 2017|Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

Greg interviews Jessica Nickel, the Executive Director of the Addiction Policy Forum. The mission of the Addiction Policy Forum is to ensure that addiction is treated as a disease, elevate addiction awareness and improve national policy through a comprehensive response. Jessica herself comes from a background of substance abuse, with many family members [...]

Ep. 81 – Building a Firm Foundation to Fight Substance Abuse: Jessica Nickel, Addiction Policy Forum

2019-01-10T16:28:12-05:00March 23rd, 2017|Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

Greg interviews Jessica Nickel, the Executive Director of the Addiction Policy Forum. The mission of the forum is to ensure that addiction is treated as a disease, elevate addiction awareness and improve national policy through a comprehensive response. Jessica has been an advocate for those suffering from substance abuse for 26 years. Greg [...]

Ep. 80 – What Makes Faith-Based Recovery Housing Work: Pastor Jerry O’Brien, Hebron Recovery Group

2019-01-10T16:27:50-05:00March 21st, 2017|Podcasts, Treatment/Programs|

Greg interviews Pastor Jerry O’Brien, the Senior Pastor of Faith Harvest Fellowship of Wooster, Ohio and a Founder of the Hebron Recovery Group (HRG), a faith-based living facility of Millersburg, Ohio. Pastor O’Brien has ministered on Christian broadcast programs like the 700 Club, Tri-State Christian Television (TCT) and Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) alongside [...]

Ep. 79 – Making a Difference with a One-Man Task Force: Mike McRill, Sidney Police Department

2019-01-10T16:27:22-05:00March 16th, 2017|Community Outreach, Legal/Legislation, Podcasts|

Greg interviews Mike McRill, a Community Resource Officer from the Sidney Police Department located in Sidney, Ohio and a former middle school teacher. Desiring to do more for his community and live his passion for law enforcement, he joined the Sidney Police Department in 2000. After becoming the Community Resource Officer in 2014, [...]

Ep. 78 – How the Government Funds Substance Abuse Programs: Rob Portman, Ohio Senator

2019-01-10T16:26:56-05:00March 14th, 2017|Legal/Legislation, Podcasts|

Greg interviews Rob Portman, a United States Senator from Cincinnati, Ohio. In September 1996, Senator Portman founded the Coalition for a Drug-Free Greater Cincinnati—now known as PreventionFIRST! The coalition’s purpose is to keep young people free of substance abuse. He was first elected to Senate in 2010, after winning 82 of Ohio’s 88 [...]

Ep. 77 – How an App Helps Youth Stay Drug Free: Andy Duran, LEAD

2019-01-10T16:26:33-05:00March 10th, 2017|Community Outreach, Harm Reduction, Podcasts|

Greg interviews Andy Duran, the Executive Director of LEAD (Linking Efforts Against Drugs). Founded in May 2012, LEAD is a drug prevention coalition based in Lake Forest/Lake Bluff, Illinois. Equipped with years of experience working with youth, Andy has created a new approach to drug prevention with LEAD. The nationally recognized organization offers [...]

Ep. 76 – Bringing Prevention Programs to the Classroom: Kevin Lorson, OAHPRED

2019-01-10T16:25:51-05:00March 7th, 2017|Community Outreach, Podcasts|

Greg interviews Kevin Lorson, the Professor and Program Director of the Health and Physical Education Program at Wright State University. He’s also the President of OAHPERD (The Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance), which consists of over 3,000 Ohio education professionals. With Kevin’s guidance, OAHPERD is presently working on a [...]

Ep. 75 – Why Harm Reduction Activities Don’t Increase Drug Abuse: Assemb. Rosenthal and Dr. Fox, SIF

2019-01-10T16:25:22-05:00March 3rd, 2017|Education, Harm Reduction, Podcasts|

Greg interviews two experts on Supervised Injection Facilities (SIF). SIFs are controlled healthcare settings, where people can safely inject drugs under clinical supervision. Currently, there are 98 SIF operations in 10 countries around the world. The two experts are: Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal and Addiction Medicine Specialist Dr. Aaron Fox. Both discuss the [...]