Ep. 21 – Working Together to Fight Heroin Overdoses: Gordon Merry, Cabell County EMS Director
Huntington, West Virginia made headlines this past Monday, August 15, 2016, after 26 people overdosed on heroin in the span of only 4 hours. Thankfully, there were no deaths and everyone who overdosed [...]
Ep. 20 – Reading the Signs of Addiction: Detective Piatchek, Palm Beach County Sheriff Dept.
Detective Piatchek discusses how to detect the signs of opioid addiction in a family member and how to potentially prevent an overdose. Detective Piatchek works in the Palm Beach County Sheriff Office in [...]
Ep. 19 – The Need for a New Ethics of Prescribing: George Loucas, Loucas Law
George Loucas discusses the increase of the opioid epidemic over the last 10 years. Mr. Loucas is the founder of Loucas Law, a medical malpractice firm that specializes in wrongful death cases involving [...]
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Ep. 17 – Choosing Recovery Housing: Denny Wilson, F I Community Housing
Denny founded F I Community Housing in 1995. Today, it’s Ohio’s largest peer-operated recovery community. Denny’s past informs his present mission in fighting the opioid epidemic: by the age of 25, he was [...]
Ep. 15 – Good Samaritan Overdose Law: Robert Sprague, Ohio State Representative
Greg interviews Ohio State Representative Robert Sprague, 83rd House District. As chairman of the Finance Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, Representative Sprague brings an important perspective to the fight against the opioid [...]
Ep. 14 – Detox Is Just The Beginning: Bill Denihan, ADAMHSCC
Greg interviews Bill Denihan, CEO of ADAMHS, Cuyahoga County. The Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County serves residents who need help in these areas. Bill talks to Greg [...]
Ep. 13 – When They’re Ready To Get Help: Lori Criss, OH Council of Behavioral Health & Family Svcs
Greg interviews Lori Criss, Associate Director of the Ohio Council of Behavioral, Health, and Family Service Providers. Lori discusses the path which families should take in helping an addicted loved one who is [...]
Ep. 12 – What Portsmouth Teaches Families of Addicts: Ed Hughes, The Counseling Center
Greg interviews Ed Hughes, CEO of The Counseling Center, Portsmouth, OH. Ed talks about the lessons which families can learn from the national opiate epidemic that started in Portsmouth. Ed traces a short [...]
Ep. 11 – Fending Off Relapse: Interview with Tom Stuber, LCADA Way
Greg interviews Tom Stuber, president and CEO of LCADA Way Wellness and Recovery. Tom reviews the treatment records of Greg’s son Sam and talks about the process of relapse. Greg clarifies that this [...]
Ep. 10 – How Narcan Is Saving Lives: Interview with Emily Metz, Project DAWN
Greg interviews Emily Metz, program coordinator at Project DAWN, an opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) program. The acronym DAWN stands for “deaths avoided with naloxone,” and that’s exactly what the [...]
Ep. 9 – Helping Your Addicted Child Get Treatment: Interview with David Sigal, LOUD Life
Greg interviews David Sigal, founder of the LOUD Life Foundation. David is a former addict who turned his life around with the love and support of family. Now, David is giving back. [...]