Ep. 128 – Better Policy through Communication: Keary McCarthy, Mayors Alliance
Greg interviews Keary McCarthy, the Executive Director of the Ohio Mayors Alliance. The Ohio Mayors Alliance is a coalition of mayors from Ohio’s 30 largest urban and suburban communities, which works to [...]
Ep. 127 – State of Emergency: Dr. Jay Butler, Alaska Dept. of Health and Human Services
Greg interviews Dr. Jay Butler, the Chief Medical Officer and Director of the Division of Public Health at the Alaska Department of Health and Human Services. He is also the Chairman of [...]
Ep. 126 – Mike Tobin, U.S. Attorney’s Office in Cleveland
Greg interviews Mike Tobin, the Community and Public Affairs Specialist with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Cleveland, OH. As the Community and Public Affairs Specialist, Mike oversees the office’s interactions with both [...]
Ep. 125 – Building Upon Proof: Gary Mendell, Shatterproof
Greg interviews Gary Mendell, the founder and CEO of Shatterproof. Mr. Mendell founded Shatterproof to spare others the tragedy his family suffered with the loss of his son Brian to addiction in [...]
Ep. 124 – Refusing to Keep Silent: Rene Elefteriou, B.A. FORCE
Greg interviews Rene Elefteriou, a resident of Parma, Ohio that started the program B.A. FORCE, Battling Addiction Families of Recovering Children & Education. B.A. FORCE was created to help families affected by [...]
Ep. 123 – Providing New Options with SOAR: Mayor Michael Summers, Lakewood Ohio
Greg interviews Michael Summers, the mayor of Lakewood, Ohio - an inner ring suburb right outside downtown Cleveland. Since 2015, the number of opioid overdoses in Lakewood has more than tripled, and [...]
Ep. 122 – Medicaid Expansion and Healthcare Reform: Lydia Ramsey and Jay Ruais, Healthcare Reform
Greg interviews Lydia Ramsey, a reporter for Business Insider, covering pharmaceutical, biotech industries, and healthcare. He also interviews Jay Ruais, the Chief Operating Officer and Vice President of Government Affairs for the [...]
Ep. 121 – A Direct Line to Treatment: Thom Olmstead, Orlando Howard, St. Vincent Charity Medical Center
Greg interviews Thom Olmstead, the Director of University Partner Collaborations at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center, as well as Orlando Howard, the Manager of Outpatient Treatment Services at Rosary Hall. The St. [...]
Ep. 120 – A Doctor’s Playbook: Dr. Doug Nemecek, CIGNA
Greg interviews Dr. Doug Nemecek, the Chief medical officer of CIGNA’s Behavioral Health Business. Dr. Nemecek, along with CIGNA, has worked to create a program to cut down on the amount of [...]
Ep. 119 – Increasing Pain Management Education: Dr. Phyllis L. Hendry, University of Florida
Greg interviews Dr. Phyllis L. Hendry, a professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, and the Assistant Chair of Research in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Florida’s College of [...]
Ep. 118 – Fighting Misperceptions on Adolescent Substance Abuse: Dr. Sarah Friebert, Akron Children’s Hospital
Greg interviews Dr. Sarah Friebert, the Director of Pediatric Palliative Care at Akron Children’s Hospital. The Pediatric Palliative Care Center provides care to children that are affected by complex, chronic, or serious [...]
Ep. 117 – (In)Dependent: The Heroin Project: Emelia Sherin, Kent State University
Greg interviews Emelia Sherin, a sophomore public relations student at Kent State University. Emelia recently wrote a play covering the perspective and daily struggle of those suffering from substance abuse disorder. Greg [...]